Jewish commemoration procedure is a simple and small app that lets have all the Jewish commemoration pray procedure that need to be pray for your beloved ones when going to their grave.
By entering the first name, last name, father's name and selecting male/female, and version (Sepharadim/Ashkenazi) of our beloved one, you will get the entire prayer need to be told.
This app allows you to read fluently all the necessary when going to the grave every year.
No need for any prior knowledge, just type the first name, last name, father's name and selecting male/female, and version (Sepharadim/Ashkenazi) of your beloved one and the relevant pray procedure will come up and all you have to do is read it.
通过输入名字,姓氏,父亲的名字,并选择我们的心爱的人男/女,和版本(Sepharadim /德系),你会得到整个祷告需要被告知。
无需任何先验知识,只需要输入名字,姓氏,父亲的名字,选择男/女,和心爱的人及有关祈祷的程序版本(Sepharadim /德系)会拿出所有你所要做的就是读它。